Today we went to see Elmo Live at the base theater. The USO hosted this free show for all DOD id holders and me and Vashon took advantage. We got in line early to make sure we'd get good seats.

They gave away those free Elmo light "things" we bought one of those when we took Vashon to see the Elmo Live (the one you pay for) it was $12.00, and today he got one for

I also wonder about free things, so I was pleasantly surprised to see more characters there and not just Elmo

We had a blast

Great show

A normal Elmo Live show last about 1.5 hrs with a break, This show was about 30 min, but for being a free show and getting such a cool gift for coming I can't complain. I don't know if I could have sat much longer with screaming kids all around me. It was fun and yet another perk of military life.
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